CC&R Parking Amendment

The Meadowridge owners approved May 21, 2007 changing the wording in Article IX, section 7 of the CCR’s concerning RV/boat/trailer parking on site. The official vote was 72 in favor of allowing loading/unloading/washing for a reasonable time and 3 for continuing the present wording. The board respectfully and humbly requests those who use their RV’s/boats/trailers to load and unload them in a timely manner and then to remove them from your drive to their place of storage i.e. either your garage or your off-site space.
While the wording states there is to be no overnight outside parking, we also ask for tolerance, understanding and forgiveness if your neighbor happens to run late and park one night.
Although none of us wants Meadowridge to become a camper haven, neither do we want a rare violation to become a cause celebre.

Fall Cleanup

Owners are reminded that lots must be mowed and landscaping around homes should be kept tidy to maintain a good appearance for all of Meadowridge. Landscaping around a few homes in particular could use some Fall TLC and all Owners should take the opportunity of a few more nice days to clean up around the house or lot.

Weed Control from June 1 through September 30

Most Corvallis citizens consider out-of-control weeds and brush a hazard and an environmental nuisance since they contribute to allergies and, through their seeds, the growth of additional weeds. The Fire Department is also concerned with the fire hazard created by dry vegetation during the summer months. The hazard level can quickly become extreme during hot, dry weather.

The Corvallis Municipal Code addresses this concern by requiring that all weeds and grass be kept under 10" in height from June 1 through September 30 and by requiring that combustible waste material and debris be removed from property.

Dogs barking

The Meadowridge CCR’s are not explicit about dogs barking but do make Owners responsible for any “inconvenience, damage or unpleasantness”. The City does have an ordinance covering barking dogs and the Board directed the owner to contact the City as a first step. CCR’s allow the HOA to require an Owner to get rid of a pet after a third warning of violations of the CCR rules and restrictions.

Dogs off leash

The City requires dogs to be on leashes when not otherwise confined or restrained and Meadowridge CCR Article IX, section 3 similarly prohibits dogs roaming Meadowridge unattended or off leash. All Owners are requested to help ensure compliance by controlling their dogs and by reminding all dog walkers who pass through Meadowridge (many non-Meadowridge walkers bring their dogs to the area for walks).
New signs have been posted to remind folks to leash their dogs and to pick up after them.

Meadowridge at Timberhill